Friday, January 16, 2009

Poor little G is sick. Nice, old-fashioned cold, and he's miserable. This morning he woke up and his eyes were glued shut. He was freaking out and crying that he couldn't see, and I think he made a comment about his eyes being gone. I got a warm washcloth and finally he was able to open them. His eyes got as wide as they could in their state, and he exclaimed, "I can see! I can see!"

It was so cute. His whites are a bit red streaked, so I'm pretty sure we're dealing with conjunctivitis. No PT today!

The temperature outside was about 30 below (F) this morning, not factoring in the windchill.

Friday, January 09, 2009


2008 vs 2007. Quite a difference! G started 2007 out with four shunt revisions, rotavirus hospital stay, and the year went on with multiple UTIs and ear infections. My mother was also diagnosed with leukemia that year. But 2007 is gone, right? Why am I bringing it up? Because it's relevant to 2008, I guess. 2008 was as uneventful as 2007 was eventful. We had ONE surgery. A planned one at that! We had a couple scares where we thought something was going on with the shunt, but not this time... My mom is still on chemo but in remission, so the year 2008 rocked!

Why is it, though, when I reflect on 2008, I mostly think of 2007? I am so thankful this was a non-eventful year. There were things that went on, most assuredly, and not all of them were good, but overall, the year was a very good year. I'm a little shocked, actually, that it's 2009.

G is now three. He has taken steps in his walker. He is going to school sometimes and getting PT twice a week. He is here. One of the things that seems so far away is being told he wouldn't live. Living that first year of his life with bated breath, wondering if he'd be snatched away. Going through multiple surgeries and wondering if this, this is how it was going to always be. And then, here we are.

He may have things in his future, but I'm not dwelling on those. The here and now is that I have this fabulous three-year-old. He is G! He's fun, witty, smart, funny, ornery, and so full of personality.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Walkers, twister straps, waiting..

We are still waiting for G's walker. Thankfully, we have one through the school that is working well. He's been very stubborn with the PT, and I think he's in all his three-year-old glory when it comes to that. It's such a challenge figuring out how to discipline without giving him what he wants, which is to quit pt. So far, I've been encouraging to apologize after we are all done.

He's been taking steps in the walker! His therapist moves the walker, and he takes the steps. We need twister straps to give him more stability and endurance, but I'm thinking I have to call again to get the ball rolling. The holidays seem to have messed up our fairly timely clinic!

G likes to wheel around in his chair when we go places. Last week we forgot to put it in the van when we went to an event, and he was so irritated. He kept telling us to remember the chair next time. He tends to "run" while he's in it, so we're having to set some boundaries. He's way too good at stopping at will, so he thinks he's got it all figured out. I knew three was going to be a challenge!!

2008 was a really, really good year. No major hospital stays, only one surgery (planned), and overall good health. Soooooo different than 2007. My mom has been doing well with the chemo, and all of our kids have been relatively healthy this year. I have so much to be thankful!