Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Why is it so hard to not yell? I mean, come on. Yell I did. Ugh. I feel bad now, but at the time I was just so upset! Poor kids. :( I apologized for yelling the way I did, but I still feel badly.

My 3 yo cries a lot. I'm not exaggerating when I say that he cries a LOT. It is mentally and physically exhausting to me. This morning, before the hour of 8 am, he cried for about 45 minutes. Everything I did was WRONG and would set him off. It would be okay, if this was an unusual occurence, but it is just about every morning, and I'm NOT a morning person. I put him outside and FIVE times today, so he could scream outside how much he hated me, so he wouldn't wake his sleeping brother. I'm so SICK of being told I'm the worst mother in the world. I'm so SICK of being told he hates me.

His oldest sibling isn't much better. She cries a lot, too. She contributed mucho crying tonight. AND ALL I DID WAS GO OUT FOR DINNER FOR A COUPLE HOURS WITH SOME FRIENDS, AND I PAY AND PAY AND PAY!!!!!!!!!! I really feel like my kids DO hate me sometimes.

The thing is it wasn't that bad of a day. I accomplished things, I played a little, I laughed, and the weather was beautiful. For the most part, it was a very good day, but the incessent crying sucked a lot of joy out of it. Me yelling only clinched it. *sigh*

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