Sunday, November 26, 2006

So Much For Frequent Posting

Yeah, that didn't happen.

Anyway, we went to Iowa, lost our new palm pilot (it was found and returned!), I lost my wedding ring and watch somewhere in the house, and I washed and dried my wallet with over 500 dollars in it after we returned. Thanksgiving went well despite the snags in the preparation. I got tons of stuff done and ready to go, and then I was told I wasn't needed. ARgh! I'd go into why I was so upset, but I don't have time. Baby will be going back into casts to correct his clubfeet...again.

I feel frazzled. Apparently, it's going to start snowing tomorrow, and I'm not looking forward to driving in it. I have a mountain of laundry to tackle, floors to sweep, but my fab hubby is making supper. He's the absolute bestest.

Thursday, November 16, 2006


I did it! I packed my and the kids' bags yesterday. I was on the ball. I also was very motivated and put alllll of hubby's clothes away. I hung stuff in the closet, and I put them in a specific order. I also put the rest of his stuff in his dresser, so it was funny when he went to pack and was looking for stuff.

Today is another gray day. November days are so dreary sometimes. It's been a beautiful November, though, so I'm not going to complain too much.

Yesterday, the cows were out. I heard them bellering, and I could tell something was up. I looked out the upstairs window, and sure enough, they were munching on my lawn. I called FIL, and the kids and I watched him round them up with his four-wheeler.

Well, off I go to prepare the rest of my stuff for this trip. I've got plenty yet to accomplish.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Finding Motivation

In highschool, I was a major procrastinator. I always managed to get my work done and in on time, but I always put it off to the last possible minute. Here I am, doing this kind of behavior again. I have many, and I mean many, things to accomplish before we head off on a trip to rural IA. I have to pack for a three day trip, and I have to pack for three kids, a baby, and me. Hubby does his own packing. :)

It must be warmer outside, but I haven't left my house to find out. The snow is melting, though. It's almost gone. The sky is still gray, and it looks like it's misty.

So, why I am sitting on here reading blogs and posting? Packing, washing laundry and dishes, making beds, all that good stuff, just seems so daunting. I think the caffeine I ingested this morning is starting to kick in. I don't feel dead tired anyway.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

This Blog

I'm trying to decide what I want this blog to be about. I have a livejournal account, and I find I write there most often.

What do I write about that is relevant to my blog's title or that would be interesting? I thought maybe I'd post about the weather and about the mundane happenings of my day. This is my life.

We'll see what happens, I guess!

Today, in my part of the world, there is some snow on the ground, and the wind is blowing. The sky is gray, and the fields are golden and browns with patches of snow. My rose bush is beastly huge, since I didn't prune it at the end of the summer, and it has some dead leaves and rose hips lingering on its branches. My yard is in a very sorry state, and I'm shamed to think of my previous goals for gardening.

I'm of the mind, in regards to gardening, that it's something you do if you're rich or old. Of which, I'm neither. I want my money to go other places, so my garden is sorely neglected. My gorgeous climbing rose doesn't seem to care, and my irises haven't protested too much either.

I don't have a lot of time I'm willing to dedicate to gardening at this point. I have four small children, one with special needs, and my time is limited. The kids are now getting old enough, I think, where they are going to be a lot more helpful and a lot less in the way. I tried when my first two were younger, and I quit after my third because I lost the joy of the relaxation of working in the garden.

I'm thinking of having the older two kids join 4-H and perhaps we'll all gain a love and interest in horticulture.

It is time for me to get ready for the baby's physical therapy. I was a slacker in putting him in his vertical stander this past week.

Friday, November 10, 2006


I forgot to post yesterday. Oh well. I was going to try and post every day to see if I had anything interesting to talk about.

I think my baby is losing weight. He has become incredibly active with crawling from one end of the house to the other. I think he's burning too many calories, though, because you can feel his ribs and he feels lighter weight.

He can pull to his knees on the bottom step, and he's pulled to standing several times! He crawls commando style so fast he glides across the floor, and he's able to crawl on his hands and knees, also.

He's just too cute. :)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Why is it so hard to not yell? I mean, come on. Yell I did. Ugh. I feel bad now, but at the time I was just so upset! Poor kids. :( I apologized for yelling the way I did, but I still feel badly.

My 3 yo cries a lot. I'm not exaggerating when I say that he cries a LOT. It is mentally and physically exhausting to me. This morning, before the hour of 8 am, he cried for about 45 minutes. Everything I did was WRONG and would set him off. It would be okay, if this was an unusual occurence, but it is just about every morning, and I'm NOT a morning person. I put him outside and FIVE times today, so he could scream outside how much he hated me, so he wouldn't wake his sleeping brother. I'm so SICK of being told I'm the worst mother in the world. I'm so SICK of being told he hates me.

His oldest sibling isn't much better. She cries a lot, too. She contributed mucho crying tonight. AND ALL I DID WAS GO OUT FOR DINNER FOR A COUPLE HOURS WITH SOME FRIENDS, AND I PAY AND PAY AND PAY!!!!!!!!!! I really feel like my kids DO hate me sometimes.

The thing is it wasn't that bad of a day. I accomplished things, I played a little, I laughed, and the weather was beautiful. For the most part, it was a very good day, but the incessent crying sucked a lot of joy out of it. Me yelling only clinched it. *sigh*

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Woo hoo!

I'm going out tonight with some friends!! I can't wait to sit and chat about what's been going on in our lives. This has been a looooong weekend, and I could use the time away from the kids, methinks. Some adult conversation is in order.

I'm wasting way too much time on here. I need to get dressed in presentable clothes, makeup on, and be ready before Mister G's PT is here at 3:30. I have to leave as soon as PT is done, and I should probably wash the dishes, start some supper and clean off the table. Oh, and find some pjs for the kids would be helpful, I'm sure.

Off I go!

Monday, November 06, 2006


Well, I actually accomplished a bit today. I made cookies, I made supper, and I got somewhat caught up on laundry. It's still a mess, but I'm feeling accomplished. Woohoo! Gotta go and eat that supper...

Sunday, November 05, 2006

A bit of yardwork...

The yard was in huge disarray, so today the kids and I went out and actually picked it up. I finally was motivated to do something! Hmmmm... my kids have wayyyy too much junk. Outside, inside, everywhere. I really, really need to focus on getting rid of some of it.

We also played catch. It was fun, but they are still a bit whiny about taking turns. What's the deal, I wonder?

Now my house could use a huge bit of picking up.

Saturday, November 04, 2006


I feel rather childish, but needless to say, I feel rather annoyed. I called Mom this morning to see if I could come over and visit. I haven't been able to go over for awhile, and I really, really wanted to see mom and dad. I told hubby after I got off the phone, "I just have a feeling M will show up with her family."

So, we headed off to church, and when we returned I called mom to see if there was anything I could bring. And guess who was there? M and her family. I love my sister, but when our kids get together there is no peace and quiet. Plus, M is a conversation hog. She's been driving me nuts this week with her neuroses. Everything is about her, and it drives me crazy.

I almost didn't go. Mom just had knee surgery on Tuesday, and I didn't want to be causing too much hassle. I did end up going, and I prayed and tried to have a positive and friendly attitude. I still feel upset, though. I tried to bring up Thanksgiving, and M blew me off. I also tried to show her some cool stuff I wanted to get Mister G, and she basically ignored me. And really, every conversation has to be about her or something she wants to talk about.

My nice, anticipated evening with mom and dad, didn't end up that way. She'd also been over earlier this week, and I just really, really miss my mom and dad. I wanted to just be able to talk to them and see them, and it didn't work out that way at all. I feel bummed.

I guess I'm done being petulant now.

Friday, November 03, 2006


It would be a chilly morning today. Brrr.... My feet just aren't warming up, and I want another cup of coffee.

The kids and I all seem to be tired today. My eyes just don't care to stay open! I wish to curl up in a blanket on the couch and slumber. Of course, it's not an option as I have tons of things I need to do around the house. It is in a wretched state of affairs. I was so lazy this week, and I didn't really accomplish anything. I didn't go anywhere either.

I have been wondering this week if I'm suffering some depression. I just don't do anything. I don't make supper for my family, I barely make breakfast and lunch, I don't have any motivation, and I'm just so tired. My house is such a mess, and I want to do something about it, but I don't. Same way with my weight and exercise.

Yesterday, the 3yo cried aaaaaaaallllll day. It was very agonizing since it was the third day in a row. I found myself at my wit's end, and I just about went nuts. Seriously.

I hope I find the energy and motivation to clean, even it isn't a lot. I really have a lot to do, though, and it almost seems futile to attempt to start. That's how overwhelming it is.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

What American accent do you have?
Your Result: The Inland North

You may think you speak "Standard English straight out of the dictionary" but when you step away from the Great Lakes you get asked annoying questions like "Are you from Wisconsin?" or "Are you from Chicago?" Chances are you call carbonated drinks "pop."

The Northeast
The Midland
The South
North Central
The West
What American accent do you have?
Take More Quizzes

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Unmotivated November

It's the first of November already. It's weird to change the calender and only have two months left. I'm feeling motivated but lazy. I have lots of things I want/should/need to do, but I'd rather sit at the computer and pretend to be busy.

Despite the cold today, it's beautiful. The sky is a delightful sky blue with little puffy clouds. Fields are harvested and everything looks crisp and a bit stark. It looks so nice that I want to go outside, but my toes are telling me it's a bit colder than it appears.

I've allowed the tv to be on all morning because I can stay on here longer. How sad is that? I just don't have motivation when I'm chilled.

I'm going to check my email one more time, and then this is it. I'm done with the computer, and I'm going to wash dishes and laundry. I'm going to make lunch and decide on supper. I'm going to sweep the floor vacuum. I'm going to do things!! I have to.